
Meet Melissa Rodibaugh

Spring Challenge Winner - Charlotte Edition 
Bodybuilding - Bikini Competitor





Kyrstin Reimann-Doris


“I began working with Callyn with the goal to lose weight and to feel comfortable in my own skin. I was a tired, stressed, busy, working mother of 3 that had put my health on the backburner for WAY too long. I work in healthcare and knew what I had to do, but my motivation was lacking. I wanted to see results on the scale, but I also wanted to feel good again. Callyn individualized my work out and meal plan for what worked into my daily schedule. I live in the middle of South Dakota with limited grocery options, but we found foods that I enjoyed and were easily accessible. I did not have access to a gym, so all of the workouts were at my home and completely manageable without fancy or expensive equipment. I gained confidence and knowledge as I began to lose the weight. My energy levels increased and I began to look forward to work outs instead of dreading them. During the process, I found out I was pregnant with my fourth child. Callyn continued to coach me through my entire pregnancy. I continued to eat clean and work out until the day I delivered my son. The pregnancy was the easiest of all four pregnancies and I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight a week after having my son. Callyn was always encouraging and supportive while listening to my needs. I am forever grateful for her coaching abilities that changed my outlook on health and gave me the confidence to take control of my health.”

Britney Creamer 


A lifetime sufferer of Celiacs Disease, a new wrinkle was thrown into my life when doctors told me I had 3 new autoimmune diseases a year ago; one that would drastically change my already restricted diet. Not knowing where to turn or how to even begin to tackle these new obstacles in life I reached out to a lifelong friend that I knew no challenge would be too big for. Callyn was amazing help in navigating through the list of food restrictions set in place by my doctors and throughout the journey has been my biggest cheerleading in conquering my autoimmune diseases.

Jesse Hogan

Personal trainer

I thought I knew a lot about nutrition until I met Callyn. She had a spark of passion and an era that she knew something I didn't, and that she did. Since working with Callyn my life has completely changed from a personal stanpoint as well as a professional stanpoint in the way I coach my own clients. No doubt I have transformed from a physical aspect, but how Callyn is able to mold and manipulation nutrition to alter your cognitive function is absolutely incredible. My recovery has been the best it has ever been, I feel like I am 20 again. The experience has been a unique opportunity and I am happy to continue my journey with her guidance as she is a amazing resource and a wealth of knowledge. 

The Podcast

Check out our podcast, The Nutritional Advantage, where we debunk food myths and help you turn nutrition into your unfair advantage.

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